Mittwoch, 5. November 2014

ubuntu 14.10 setup

- boot windows
- repartition to get free space
- download ubuntu, universal-usb-installer
- create usb with ubuntu (with format)
- F11 boot on usb
- setup (use free space as /, boot-device on first without number). if wrong device selected for boot the installer might crash... try another till installer successful finishes.
- on reboot F11 and boot first ubuntu device (for me first login-try did not work, but second worked...)
-with new gs70 wifi does not seem to work... hope i can fix that later on...
- fix grub:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair
sudo sed -i 's/utopic/saucy/g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yannubuntu-ubuntu-boot-repair-utopic.list 

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && boot-repair
recommended repair
- gives error, reboot to win
- run "cmd" as administrator:
bcdedit /set "{bootmgr}" path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi

what a pain. i dont know what i changed that finally made me a real dualboot, but i was never more painful as this time. what a shit... does time go backwards and setting up linux is again rocketscience? i can't remember how it managed to get a working dualboot. this might help you:

for working nvidia drivers do:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa
sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get purge nvidia*
sudo apt-get install nvidia-343

sudo reboot

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8 
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pulseaudio-equalizer 

works: standby, sound, fn-keys, ethernet, external screen (tested with minidp2dvi and hdmi)
works not yet: wifi (if you have the new gs70 with n1525. the older GS70 should work)

some more useful links to tweak everything:

Mittwoch, 29. Oktober 2014

new gs70 - new luck...

hi guys

my "old" gs70 had a problem with its screen (flickering) and keyboard (dead keys) and so i receive a replacement. it seems there is a better version out now. here is a side-by-side comparison:

seems those components changed:
- cpu (now 3.5GHz Turbo) : minor change
- nvidia gtx 970m with 3GB : bigger update
- 7.1 audio: not sure if this is so important
- killer n1525 wifi: seems to have 802.11ac now
- according to this list its 60grams lighter but 2mm higher...
all the rest seems to stay. i hope they improved the case-stability, otherwise this one breaks also after 6months...

so if this changes are all worth it, break yours now, if it has not already and your warranty has not run out... ;-)

i'll report back with a ubuntu 14.10 setup as soon i got it...

UPDATE: this version has also a great new trackpad with real physical click and a bit more friction (and is black)... this is a very good update. i like physical feedbacks. and the new sound system is incredible loud!